0 Replies and 78 Views
CR5211-10 over range 78 0
Started by Kok Thiam Chiam
Hi, I need to measure smaller range and higher range at different times on the same line. In order to get a better resolution at both ranges, I plan to use CR5211-10 and CR5211-100 on the same line. Will this damage the CR5211-10 when the measured current is for example 90A Thank you. Best Regards, KT Chiam
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78 |
08/29/2024 7:55 PM |
0 Replies and 718 Views
Compatible CR7310 current transformer 718 0
Started by Warren Massey
The current transformer used as an internal transformer on a CR7310 is a reasonable size for an application of mine but the application, because it will require 12 modules and their current transformers in two compact groups (modules in one, transformers in the other) it really does need to use an external coil. The two external coils suggested for use with the CR7310 are much too big for this application. Can you suggest a smaller external coil, similar in size to the the internal coil, that w...
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718 |
12/12/2023 4:07 PM |
0 Replies and 1324 Views
CR5200 Series 1324 0
Started by Andrew Miller
Hello. We often interchange equipment which can have rating of 4 Amps DC to 50 Amps DC. The equipment has a standby current (the draw used to keep the equipment ready for operation) draw of 2-7 Amps depending on the equipment. While operating, the equipment may use 3-21 Amps. Our purpose in using the transducer is for very accurate differences between standby and the initiation of operation. At times this may be only a few hundred milliamps; we have no interest in the operational amperage of th...
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1324 |
12/18/2021 7:22 PM |
0 Replies and 1135 Views
CR8300 Series 1135 0
Started by Lee Kia Ching
Dear Sir/Madam, May I know if CR8350 is able to meet the requirement of <0.5 total accuracy over the temperature range of -40 to 85 °C, taken into consideration of linearity error as well Let say I am using burden of 3.4 Ohm with 100A max input current. Thank you. Regards Lee Kia
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1135 |
10/26/2021 3:22 AM |
0 Replies and 2075 Views
CR-45 and/or CR-2550 2075 0
Started by Fred Kersten
I use heating cables to keep my home gutters from freezing. I have 3) cables; each connected to separate 15amp 110/120 VAC circuit breakers with separate illuminated switches. This lets me know when the power to each cable is turned on or not but doesn't let me know if the cable has failed or not. Two of the cables draw 0.83 - 0.75 Amps each at 120VAC. The third draws 3.35 Amps at 120VAC. Measurements were taken with a home grade Radio Shack digital multi-meter using a custom wiring plug in harn...
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2075 |
12/22/2020 2:43 PM |
0 Replies and 1694 Views
CR5211S-50 1694 0
Started by Kip Guerrero
Hi, I've had five current transducer stop sending output voltage shortly after installing them in our system. I suspect somehow our system is 'burning' them out. On initial install we would see the output voltage we would expect but after one or two checks the output voltage would go to -2.9VDC and stay there even if current was present. We are using the current transducer for measuring Welder current a max of 35AMPs DC. We suspected that there might be in-rush or a spike from the we...
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1694 |
09/09/2020 7:28 AM |
0 Replies and 1470 Views
CRD5110 Modbus 1470 0
Started by Steve Fry
I'm writing a program in LabView to communicate with CRD5110-150-25M serial transducer. I can set up New Serial Master for RTU, Unit ID 1, baud rate 9600, parity none, flow control none. I try to read input register location x10 but the read times out and does not return anything. I have increased the timeout to 3 seconds and it still does not work. Anyone use LabView with this transducer Or any other language with Modbus Thanks
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1470 |
07/28/2020 2:45 PM |
1 Replies and 2201 Views
DC current transducer output 2201 1
Started by Lorne Lambert
I have a CR9321-NPN that I thought it might be activated by DC current with the information on the label. I am hoping I could be guide to a DC current switch with the same out put as the CR9321-NPN as it is connected to a 1 wire device supplied by Welserver.com. The 24 VDC solenoid is 5000 ohms so the current is minimal. Thank you Lorne
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2201 |
by Joe Schlereth01/06/2020 9:50 AM |
3 Replies and 2349 Views
CR5200 supply voltage range 2349 3
Started by brian w
Putting CR5210 in a boat with 24 volt nominal power supply with actual range more like 22 to 32 volts. Can the CR5210 handle this supply voltage and if so are there accuracy implications
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2349 |
by Joe Schlereth08/13/2019 9:51 AM |
7 Replies and 4597 Views
Need Sump Pump Alarm 4597 7
Started by Eric Corder
Hello, I need an audio (preferred)/ visual current indicator from a sump pump in the basement. i would like to monitor it from upstairs. Help
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4597 |
by Araldo Janes05/07/2019 12:55 PM |
5 Replies and 6918 Views
cr9350-aca 6918 5
Started by jim dayringer
I'm using a cr9350-aca to energize a small interposing relay with a 120V coil and power draw of 9ma. Will I need a snubber circuit I found an old cut sheet for the cr9321-aca that showed a 2k ohm resistor and a .1uf capacitor as a recommended snubber. When I tried this it made the relay coil hum. The operation in either case was the same. Do I need the snubber to protect the current switch Thanks
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6918 |
by Joe Schlereth07/24/2018 4:11 PM |
2 Replies and 2715 Views
DC Current Transducer transient protection 2715 2
Started by Joel Huang
I am looking at the CR5200 Series datasheet and I cannot find any information on the voltage transient tolerated in the input current line. We currently use the 936 Series from AAC which specifies 500V/uS voltage tolerance. Is there a spec for the CR5200 Thank you.
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2715 |
by Even Chu07/24/2018 11:36 AM |
1 Replies and 2731 Views
CRD5110-300-5-M Modbus RTU 2731 1
Started by phil hughes
Anybody familiar with the Modbus commands to retrieve Data (power/amps/pf) from a CRD5110-300-5-M. We have a Allen Bradley PLC Micrologix 1100.
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2731 |
by Tony Hodges11/08/2017 12:34 PM |
2 Replies and 2868 Views
CR5310-200 2868 2
Started by Stephanie Girard
How will this transducer behave if there is some current ripple The temperature rating is 50C. What is the maximum temperature this transducer will continue operating at
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2868 |
by Stephanie Girard07/21/2017 4:34 PM |
1 Replies and 36149 Views
I need spice parameter of CT3111-3000 for simulation of CT saturation effect 36149 1
Started by YoungSik Kim
Are there any spice models available for the CR3110-3000 current transformers I want to model the saturation of transformer, so I needs spice parameter such as Hc(Coercive force), Bs(Remnant flux density), Br(Remnant flux density), A(Cross sectional area), Lm(Magnetic Length,Mean Path Length), Lg(Length of gap). N(Number of turns) thank you ref. site : http://ltwiki.org/LTspiceHelp/LTspiceHelp/L_Inductor.htm http://www.ijraset.com/fileserve.phpFID=7817
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36149 |
by Tony Hodges06/14/2017 10:17 AM |
1 Replies and 3226 Views
CR5210-5 3226 1
Started by Emma Liu
The input range is 0-5ADC and output range is 0-5VDC, but I can get the output to go up to 14.15VDC and saturated after this. Is this normal
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3226 |
by Tony Hodges05/24/2017 1:47 PM |
1 Replies and 4844 Views
CR8350-2000-F step response 4844 1
Started by David Gustavson
I am considering using a CR8350-2000-F in a switching power supply. The spec sheet says frequency response to 200KHz. I need to know how the current transformer would respond to a 0 to 100 amp step in current. What would be the delay and rise time of the output signal Ideally a graph similar to what is on opamp datasheets would be great. Thanks, Dave Gustavson
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4844 |
by Tony Hodges03/21/2016 1:53 PM |
1 Replies and 3295 Views
CR9580 Questions 3295 1
Started by Matt Mendenhall
Question 1: I designed your CR9580-10-M into my system without realizing the product has such a long lead time for delivery, and I am still waiting on my first unit delivery to test and validate almost one month after I ordered it. The non-mounting case version CR9580-10 has a much shorter lead time. Does this part have just a smooth bottom, DIN rail, or How do people mount these Question 2: I plan to use the CR9580 with the output connected via an addressable switch that is connecte...
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3295 |
by Tony Hodges08/17/2015 5:11 PM |
0 Replies and 3104 Views
Sensors for TDD,THD,PF 3104 0
Started by sufyaan AbdulHaseeb
Hello, I would like to seek assistance in selecting appropriate sensors for a facility monitoring project. The requirements call for monitoring of AC and DC Voltage and Current of various equipment at 99.5 accuracy. I understand that Instantaneous voltage and current sensors would be required. If someone can guide me to the right product page, i can select one that meets site requirements. Thanks.
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3104 |
02/26/2015 12:23 PM |
0 Replies and 3990 Views
CR5220-300 3990 0
Started by Gabriel Isrrael
Please, for part number CR5220S-300-12V we need the complete relation graph between input current and output current for input current range from -400A to 400A. Thank you!
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3990 |
02/20/2015 7:15 PM |