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1 Replies and 2269 Views CR6240-500-50 question  2269  1 Started by  Tim Yau Hi, I'm trying to add a CR6240-500-50 inside an Allen Bradley MCC bucket. Due to space constraint, the transducer is mounted after the overload relay. Should I feed pin 1, 2, and 3 of the transducer with 3-phase 480VAC after the overload relay (see Option1) or after the circuit breaker (see Option2) My concern is if the starter is off, would the transducer still be generating the 4mA output I'm not sure if the transducer needs the 480VAC to generate its 4-20mA output or if it's sole...
1 2269
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
08/06/2013 3:42 PM
1 Replies and 2170 Views CR9580 output conversion  2170  1 Started by  Eric Buchanan I can not find the factors to convert the output voltage into the measured current. Is it simply linear from 0 VDC = 0 AAC to 5 VDC = rated AAC Thanks.
1 2170
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
07/23/2013 8:42 AM
1 Replies and 2384 Views Difference between CR8348-2000 and CR8349-1000  2384  1 Started by  Sunil Sawant I want to measure 30 Amp inrush (surge) current for 3 secs. I have shortlisted CR8349-1000 and CR8348-2000 for the purpose. Both CTs are rated at 50 Amp. As per datasheet (CR8300 Series.pdf); Vmax rms, Te (typ) and DC Resistance of both CTs is different for same rated current. 1. What is the difference between both CTs from application point of view 2. Which CT is suitable for above mentioned application 3. Are both CTs interchangable in above mentioned ...
1 2384
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
06/13/2013 8:33 AM
2 Replies and 2447 Views Monitor AC motor Currents on Conveyor  2447  2 Started by  Larry Laster I would like to know the best product available. What we are trying to do is monitor current on a conveyor that has a history of breakage. The idea is to monitor the current of the AC motor into the PLC analog card(0-10)vdc and then stop the conveyor before major damage. The motor is 460 3 phase 15 horsepower 17.22 amps. When starting the conveyor the current rises to 80 amps and once the conveyor is moving the current draw is around 6 amps. We are looking at your model CR4211. Does this require...
2 2447
by  Larry LasterJump to last post
06/07/2013 8:44 AM
4 Replies and 2182 Views CR4395 with CRGFS-100 Application Question  2182  4 Started by  Tim Mik Is there a limit to wire length from a CR4395 Module to the CRGFS-100 Also should shielded cable be used for interconnection Thanks, Tim
4 2182
by  Tim MikJump to last post
06/06/2013 8:52 AM
1 Replies and 2365 Views 3 phase 3 wire CT instal  2365  1 Started by  Art Goodman I'm using the CR8350-2500-N current transformer to measeure 3 phase 3 wire system. I need to know the correct install for your CT. When H1 faces the source on L1 and L3, I get a Negative Active Power reading. When L1(H1) faces the source and L3(H1) faces the load my Active Power is Positive. Which way is the correct install.
1 2365
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
05/28/2013 8:27 AM
1 Replies and 2535 Views CT Recommendation  2535  1 Started by  Joe Rocci I have an application that requires current monitoring of a 220VAC load up 100 amps. I'd like to use a split-core CT. The output of the CT would drive a load resistor to develop a voltage that is sampled by an A-D converter in order to make various measurements. I'm looking at the 604-1000T for this. Since this is a 3000 turn unit, can I assume that, with 100 amps in the load, the output current would be 0.033A Can I also assume that, if I load it with 1000 ohms, the output voltage would be 33V...
1 2535
by  Will LowesJump to last post
05/07/2013 11:21 AM
1 Replies and 2382 Views amy 5395 with High and Low limit?  2382  1 Started by  Ron Fial Is there any version of the 5395 or similar product to sense DC current where the output relay closes betweeen, say, 1A and 3 A, but relay is open below 1A and relay is open above 3A. It would need two adjustments instead of the single on on the 5395. Thanks
1 2382
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
04/12/2013 7:54 AM
1 Replies and 2495 Views CR5210-5  2495  1 Started by  Steve Smith I have several CR5210-5 CT's I use in my EGSE Racks to monitor the main power supply current which I send to a 0-10V panel meter. I have a 28VDC power supply used to power all the front panel meters, I tapped off of this Supply to the input of a L7824CT Voltage Regulator to power the CR5210-5. I recently had to change a CT because it was outputting 10mV with no current flow, (the main pwr supply was unplugged). I now have another CT that is outputting 6mV with no current flow.I have several q...
1 2495
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
03/01/2013 11:19 AM
1 Replies and 2569 Views CR8448-1000  2569  1 Started by  Armando Mora I bought a CR8448-1000, but the CR8400 series data sheet doesn´t list its parameters (Ir, Vmax RMS, Te, DCR and frequency). Could you tell me about them Thanks.
1 2569
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
01/18/2013 11:16 AM
1 Replies and 2558 Views Effect of Multiple (in-line) transducers?  2558  1 Started by  Travis W For my application, I would like to measure single-phase and three-phase test objects in two different setups: A: Volts - Amps - Watts - Power Factor B: -- C: -- A: Volts - Amps - Watts B: Volts - Amps - Watts C: Volts - Amps - Watts How much effect, if any, would the extra transducer (or two) have on the other transducers in that 'leg' of the circuit or in comparison with the other two legs It appears that the transducers have sufficient input i...
1 2558
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
12/18/2012 3:56 PM
1 Replies and 2559 Views 3-Phase vs 1-Phase Power Measurement  2559  1 Started by  Travis W I want to accurately measure single-phase and three-phase test objects. The test set may be connected to a single-phase or three-phase power source (depending on which test bay I'm in). The information for 6250/6260 says that all three inputs are needed. When I switch over to single-phase measurement (e.g. single-phase test object), will I need to switch over to a single-element transducer such as the 6220 (which measures with one element)
1 2559
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
12/18/2012 1:39 PM
1 Replies and 2586 Views Model 19  2586  1 Started by  Tony Heweston Basic 240v single phase wattmeter Hi am looking at using an AD633 four quadrant multiplier and driving the input reference voltage from a resistor network across the supply and the current reference via a Model 19 current transformer with the possible addition of a LM324 to provide some gain for the Model 19 output. Max current should be about 20amps. Would this seem to be a workable application for the Model 19 product
1 2586
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
12/03/2012 10:46 AM
1 Replies and 2594 Views Accuracy 8459-2000N and 8450-2000  2594  1 Started by  Douglas Correa I would like to know what is the accuracy of the 8459-2000N and 8450-2000 (current transformer) thanks in advanced!!
1 2594
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
09/26/2012 12:05 PM
1 Replies and 2722 Views Sense current with DC output  2722  1 Started by  Mark Carlile I've got a model 19 CT and need to get a DC output signal for monitoring a 2hp single phase AC motor. Using application guide titled 'Precision rectifier circuit for CT signal conditioning' has proven unsuccessful thus far. Details: 1) I'm assuming the two back to back zener diodes are to protect circuit from in-rush current when motor is starting. 2) Line amps will be between 5 and 15 amps. Using 10 amps with a 230 turn model 19 gives .04A. Applied to a 22ohm resistor should give ab...
1 2722
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
09/26/2012 12:00 PM
1 Replies and 2663 Views Spice Models  2663  1 Started by  J Henzel Are there any spice models available for the CR3110-3000 current transformers Thanks JPH
1 2663
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
09/10/2012 8:33 AM
1 Replies and 2649 Views CR5210 output options  2649  1 Started by  Darren Barnes Are there any custom options available for the CR5210/11 Specifically, I would like to use the output to operate a relay at full-scale voltage output. I don't want to wire to a discrete FET, then to a relay. Would prefer a ready-made module. Basically, I need a current switch that will kickout another circuit at 300 ADC. Thanks.
1 2649
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
08/22/2012 10:06 AM
3 Replies and 3489 Views CR5300 Input Impedance  3489  3 Started by  Nathan Kingston I would like to know the input impedance of a few different versions of the CR5300. CR5310-5 CR5310-10 CR5310-50 Thanks.
3 3489
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
06/21/2012 2:08 PM
1 Replies and 2815 Views CR5210-1  2815  1 Started by  Ed Smith Is the CR5210-1 bidirectional If the 0-5V output version is selected, what is the 0 current and full scale (both directions) output voltage
1 2815
by  Tony HodgesJump to last post
05/15/2012 10:56 AM
3 Replies and 3560 Views Sensing AC current  3560  3 Started by  Jim dePrado I am looking to build a way to automatically turn on the dust collector (220V 30A) in my woodworking shop when one of the other tools is turned on (110V/220V 15-30A). Would it be possible to hook up one/many of your current sensors to the hot leg of each tool's circuit and send that signal to a relay to turn on the dust collector Which products would you recommend Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
3 3560
by  kevin woodJump to last post
05/10/2012 12:30 AM
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