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Last Post 08/13/2013 10:15 AM by  Tony Hodges
Isolated AC Voltage and current Measurement
 1 Replies
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David Wilson
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New Member

08/08/2013 12:05 PM
    I am looking for a good way to create an isolated voltage and current measurement signal conditioner for a 120Vac 60Hz, 20A test. The inputs to my data acquisition system are +/-10V. I need to measure voltage with 1/2% accuracy, current (2-3% accuracy is acceptable), total harmonic distortion, power factor, etc. Are there some recommended transformers for this application?
    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08/13/2013 10:15 AM
    Dear Sir,

    We do not have a single unit that can perform as you specify. The closest product line is the Data Stream CRD5100 Series. I have attached the catalog page below. Please note it does not monitor harmonic distortion, and the output is either ASCII or MODBUS.

    If you need analog ouput we will have to use three different transducers.

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