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Last Post 12/31/2012 9:58 AM by  Tony Hodges
Calculate Compressor Current by using Power and Voltage Transducer
 3 Replies
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Ahmed Abdulbaky
New Member
New Member

12/24/2012 1:01 PM
    Please I need Your Help in this Application , we need to Measure the Current Consumed by a Compressor From single Phase , But we only have a Power Transducer (Part# CR6210-250-20) and Voltage Transducer, so is it Possible To Calculate the Current From these Measurement ?

    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
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    Basic Member

    12/26/2012 11:11 AM
    Dear Sir,

    You can calculate the effective current if the voltage is known. By itself, the CR6200 cannot tell you a current because the power is a function of current, voltage, and power factor. Thank you for your business.
    Ahmed Abdulbaky
    New Member
    New Member

    12/31/2012 1:41 AM
    thank you Sir,

    But what Does the Effective Current mean ?

    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    12/31/2012 9:58 AM
    Dear Sir,

    Effective current is the value of the current for the power taken assuming it is completely resistive or zero power factor. Also known as active current. Typically less than actual current for non-zero power factor.
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