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Last Post 07/05/2011 11:13 AM by  Tony Hodges
C4411 info
 1 Replies
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Jehan Machado
New Member
New Member

07/01/2011 8:14 AM

    I'd like to know some additional info I can't find in the C4411 datasheet.
    Is the informed accuracy related to the measure point or to the upper range limit?
    What is the value of threshold?
    Thank you!
    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    07/05/2011 11:13 AM
    Dear Valued Customer,

    Basic Accuracy is measured at the full scale range point. For the CR4411, the reading at full scale and 60 Hz would be 10 VDC +/- 0.5% or +/- 50 mVDC. Absolute accuracy at this point is equal to the basic accuracy.

    For this same part at half full scale input, the output would be 5 VDC +/- 50 mVDC, or +/- 1% absolute accuracy.

    This is typical of transducers, where they give the most accurate reading at full scale operation.
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