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Last Post 06/24/2011 10:58 AM by  Tony Hodges
CR4395 on 50 Hz
 1 Replies
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kirk kerekes
New Member
New Member

06/23/2011 10:51 AM
    Will the CR4395 function and be durable running on 50 Hz? I recognize that the current threshold will probably be inaccurate, but that is not a concern.

    If it will work on 50 Hz, that would broaden your potential marketplace substantially.

    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    06/24/2011 10:58 AM
    Dear Sir,

    The CR4395 Series will operate down to 30 Hz. The range scale will be change approximately 10% for a typical 60 Hz calibrated unit when run at 50 Hz.

    Please note that all CR4395’s can be ordered such that they will be calibrated at the desired frequency.
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