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Last Post 12/27/2013 8:07 AM by  Tony Hodges
measure of differential current
 1 Replies
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martino bonacossa
New Member
New Member

12/23/2013 9:15 AM
    I have a question I'd like to submit.
    I'm trying to achieve a measure of differential current.
    I'm using a CR8348-2000 in which I inserted into the hole in both phases (phase and neutral). As the load resistance across the CR will use a 90.9k, then enter a LTC1967 and from there into a PIC. The scheme is in fact the one in the LTC1967 data sheet ( on page 26.
    The problem is the response time.
    thanks for your cooperation and sorry for the bad English

    Tony Hodges
    CRM Staff
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    12/27/2013 8:07 AM
    Dear Sir,

    Your application requires the use of a ground fault current transformer. I have attached the catalog page for our CR8400 Series. We cna have pins placed on these instead of wire leads if necessary.
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